Male Incontinence Doctor in Hartford, CT

Urinary incontinence refers to the loss of bladder control or leaking of urine. Although this condition is more common in women, 25% of males can also have this condition. Luckily, incontinence is not just a normal sign of aging that you have to live with. There are many treatment options available to give you the relief you need.

Urinary incontinence is a common issue for men as they start to age, and it's nothing to be ashamed of. There are effective ways to control male urinary incontinence today. Dr. Gerard Pregenzer is here to help patients rediscover a way of life that doesn't include constant worries about accidents and leaks. If you are experiencing symptoms of male urinary incontinence, contact our urology clinic in West Hartford and Enfield, CT. Please call (860) 962-6600 or request an appointment through our secure online form.

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What are Common Types of Urinary Incontinence?

There are many reasons, causes, and ways that your bladder can lose control. When you have urinary incontinence, your bladder isn’t holding or releasing urine the way it should. This can happen because:

  • Your brain doesn’t signal your bladder correctly
  • You have a blockage in your urinary system
  • The muscles around your bladder aren’t working well

If you are leaking urine when you are doing an activity and something puts pressure on your bladder, this is known as stress incontinence. 

If you have a sudden and overwhelming need to urinate, this is known as urge incontinence or overactive bladder.

If you're unable to completely empty your bladder and you leak, this is overflow incontinence.

There may be a mix of types of incontinence depending on your condition and symptoms.

How Does Incontinence Impact Men?

If you have incontinence, it is usually a long-term condition so it is best to talk to Dr. Pregenzer. These issues are often related to prostate problems or treatments for them. If your prostate is enlarged, it can be caused by aging or cancer and lead to overactive bladder symptoms.

What is Male Urinary Incontinence?

It’s a taboo subject – no one wants to talk about incontinence. The fact is, the myths of incontinence often obstruct people from getting the help they need to live an active lifestyle.  Knowing the truth about incontinence can help relieve any embarrassment of the condition.

Over 2 million men suffer from incontinence. You are not alone.

Bladder (or urinary) incontinence is the unintentional loss of urine. It is a serious problem that men are reluctant to discuss with others. When the muscle (sphincter) that holds the bladder neck closed is not strong enough to retain urine in the bladder, the result is urinary incontinence.

Incontinence may occur when:

  • The sphincter is too weak
  • The bladder muscles contract strongly
  • The bladder is not emptied regularly

In men, urinary incontinence often is related to a medical problem or a treatment involving:

  • The prostate gland
  • Enlargement prostate (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, BPH)
  • Prostate removal due to cancer

What are the types of incontinence?

Stress Incontinence: The accidental release of urine when pressure is applied to the bladder, such as when you cough, sneeze, laugh or lift something heavy. This is the most common type of incontinence post-prostate cancer.

Urge Incontinence: When the bladder contracts at the wrong time giving you the feeling that you have to urinate immediately even if you may have just emptied your bladder.

Overflow Incontinence: Characterized by leaking when the bladder does not empty properly. This can be due to other medical conditions such as an enlarged prostate or a narrowing of the urethra.

Total Incontinence: Continual leakage of urine due to complete sphincter deficiency.

How does a functioning bladder work?

The bladder is a hollow organ in the lower abdomen. It stores urine, the liquid waste produced by the kidneys. Urine passes from each kidney into the bladder through a tube called a ureter. Urine leaves the bladder and exits the body through another tube called the urethra.

As the bladder fills with urine, pressure is exerted on its walls, which you experience as the need to urinate. This triggers the brain to send a message to the layer of muscle that surrounds the inner lining of the bladder, forcing the muscle to contract (tighten) and the urine to flow out of the bladder.

At the same time, the sphincter muscle that surrounds the urethra relaxes, letting the urine flow out of the body. This process requires both nerves and muscles working together to prevent urine leakage. Damage, weakening or injury to either muscles or nerves can result in incontinence.

How the bladder works

Incontinence can be caused by:

  • Prostate removal
  • Infections or medications
  • Diseases
  • Urethral strictures
  • DESD (Detrusor External Sphincter Dyssynergia)
  • Pelvic trauma
  • Spinal cord damage
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Neurological disorders

The cause of incontinence and the impact it has on the nerves or muscles will determine the type of incontinence you may have.

Signs of Urinary Incontinence:

Do you leak urine when you:

  • Cough?
  • Sneeze?
  • Laugh?
  • Bend?
  • Lift?
  • Change positions (i.e., sitting or lying to standing)?
  • Sleep?

Does urine leakage affect your life?

If you answered yes to any of these questions or if you think incontinence is preventing you from enjoying life, talk to your doctor. He can diagnose your type of incontinence and help you find the most effective treatment option.

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Schedule a Consultation for Male Urinary Incontinence Today!

Dr. Pregenzer specializes in treatment for male urinary incontinence To schedule an appointment at our urology urlogy clinic in West Hartford and Enfield, CT, please call (860) 962-6600 or request an appointment online.

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